We Snap it

Ambassador snap photos in the crowd

We Print it

Photos print at your kiosk

They Share it

Digital photos can also be shared in various ways.

Roaming PhotographyIt's that simple

Ambassadors roam the vent and snap photos of people in the crowd, all while representing your brand. Consumer are then redirected to your kiosk to increase your footprint and encourage people to learn more about what your promoting.

Instant Prints

Photos can be printed wirelessly at your kiosk from the cloud thanks to our technology infrastructure. A graphic overlay with your logo and branding is added on the printouts.

Instant sharing

Photos can also be shared by email, SMS text message, and social media. This can ether be done directly on hand with the ambassador on a tablet or at your kiosk, allowing you the versatility to choose what works best for you.


Increase your reach & traffic Roaming Photography

Instead of people coming to us, we go to them. We then redirect people to you by offering them a reward through instant gratification. This can increase your traffic and ultimately help you reach more people at the event